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Announcements 9/10/2023
Next Steps for Courtship with North Valley:
Almost a year ago, the concept of this potential marriage between our two churches began to surface. The questions and conversations were never about one church rescuing or taking over another church, but could we be better together for the sake of God's Kingdom? Could we impact CFalls with the gospel more effectively together? Could we have a greater impact in the Valley and Montana together? Could we become a stronger more unified church together? Yes, we knew changes would happen for both of our church families, but the desire was for us to become something new as we might enter into this marriage. We want to keep our eyes fixed on impacting God's Kingdom.
The Pastor Search Committee of North Valley Baptist Church and the Pastoral Team of Gateway Church have prayed and met diligently all summer to seek the Lord's will for the proposed marriage of our two churches. The goal of such meetings has been to seek the heart of the Father and ask the question, "Is it feasible and possible for our two churches to be better together than they might be separately?" After much prayer and conversations, we believe the marriage of these two churches into one new church will allow us to be more effective in our own spiritual maturity as well as to reach and serve the needs of Columbia Falls and beyond with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are now to the point where we need to communicate some actionable next steps to see this marriage take place. We are proposing a new church name, a new constitution and bylaws, and a new church covenant and statement of beliefs. However, we still need your help in this process. We want you to read over these documents to see what our new proposed church (Valley Life Church) might look like moving forward. Attached to this letter you will find these documents as well as a prayer guide, we are asking you to pray and read over the documents as we continue to seek the Lord together. Below is the timeline for Next Steps for both Gateway and North Valley:
August 27 - Present the proposed name change, proposed constitution and bylaws, and proposed church covenant and beliefs
10:15 am - Joint Gathering @ North Valley's Building
September 3
​10:15 am - Joint Gathering @ North Valley's Building
11:45 am - Questions & Answer Opportunity #1 in Fellowship Hall
September 6
6:00 pm - Question & Answer Opportunity #2 in Fellowship Hall
September 10 - Vote without discussion for the proposed marriage
10:15 am - Gateway will worship @ CFalls Senior Center
​10:15 am - NVBC will worship @ their building
5:00 pm - Following affirmative vote, our new church family will gather for prayer and fellowship
Additional Information: You can find thee proposed bylaws and constitution and some questions and answers the team has worked through at
Lee & Tiffany Davis
Continue to pray for Lee and Tiffany as they adjust to life in AZ. The boys especially have had some difficult days adjusting to life in AZ.
The Gospel of John
We will look at John 7:25-36
Realm Communication:
We are having issues trying to get our texting back up and going. You should have received an opt-in email to join up for our texting communication. If not you can sign up for an account at or please log in to your account and opt-in to receive text and email communication from Gateway. If you have any questions, please connect with Pastor Bruce.
If you are not getting text messages from the church, please text START to (406) 909-4064.
MCG Groups
We would love for you to get involved in a group! Currently, we have groups that meet on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
Tuesday @ 6:00pm
Tuesday @ 6:30pm
Wednesday @ 6:00pm .
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